Bush Blacklists Bolivia, Try To Act Surprised

Thanks to Otto of Inca Kola News in comments and I see BoRev has this too, AP (boo hiss) sez-

President Bush determined Tuesday that Bolivia is no longer cooperating in the war against drugs and has placed the Latin American country on a counter-narcotics blacklist. However, he has spared Bolivia from cuts in U.S. assistance that can accompany the finding. Bolivia, a major cocaine producer, joins Venezuela and Myanmar on a U.S. list of nations that have “failed demonstrably” to meet their international commitments to combatting the production and trafficking of illicit drugs.

So this is how the Empire responds when its subversion fails, for the gullible public it is spun like goody US stands firm against evil druggie rabble (and so nice to smear both Bolivia and Venezuela by lumping them in with frickin’ Burma!). But the timing is clear, it is a response to Bolivia defeating the coup in the east and UNASUR standing in solidarity with Morales. But then no one could ever accuse –former? addict- Bush of not being a petty little shit.

That’s now two strike outs in drumming up some foreign turmoil whose timing helps the GOP’s election campaign, look out Iran.

4 Responses to “Bush Blacklists Bolivia, Try To Act Surprised”

  1. ralfast Says:


  2. RickB Says:

    I know, Epic Fail!

  3. charliemarks Says:

    Ah, even after all these years Bush still CRACKs me up… What I’m saying is, he has me SNORTING with laughter.

  4. RickB Says:

    He’s certainly a CRANK who SMACKS of a bit of a BLOW hard with these LINES.

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