
Oh Manchester! I noticed a link to me and discovered the very fine new looking Manchester Stop the War site, so Hurray for them! They are testing it out with hopes to be super and fully groovy by Mayday I read. So while I am distant from Manchester’s rainy breast I keep a flame burning for the city of my birth, so good to see it is getting its own splendid new Stop the War site and they have the immense good taste to have linked to me (at least for a test!). Hey people involved! If you come by say hello and check Mr Dave out @ Complex System of Pipes although you may know him already as he is in Manchester and is an experienced anti-war hat wearer already.

9 Responses to “Manchester!”

  1. Dave, The Void On Fire Says:

    Hehe thanks for that Rick. I do indeed know Mark in real life, although not that well.

  2. RickB Says:

    Aha, thought you might have some knowledge of the site peeps. It makes me feel proper nostalgic for Manchester *dabs eye*, sniff.

  3. korova Says:

    Nice one RickB. I’m a southern softie myself, but good to see Manchester has it’s own Stop The War site…not to mention the tasty little link!

  4. RickB Says:

    Indeed it is, that reminds me of when I lived in Oldham and a re-purposed a road sign used as an affectionate comment on our southern friends
    Special dispensation was made for southerners who joined active service units of the mysterious, anarchistic and to this day still at large Black Hat Gang, I have said too much already!

  5. korova Says:

    Aah yes, very amusing! Although the mother does look rather manly! Us southerners may be soft, but our mums are hard as fuckin’ nails son.

  6. korova Says:

    ps. my Chevron count is now up to four. This is getting to be an obsession. Interestingly, their search term tends to be “William Haynes Chevron”. Guilty conscience?? Oh no, hang on a minute, they’re filthy capitalists aren’t they? And oil capitalists at that.

  7. RickB Says:

    I like a tough woman!
    That search term is interesting, I think what they are doing is monitoring the level of publicity/awareness of torture Haynes tied to them, basically opposition research. If it became a widespread issue it would damage their case so they want to keep an eye on how the information is percolating. So…I will have to post about too, give me a coupla days.

  8. RickB Says:

    Fuck Yeah! And pretty sympathetic coverage, good on channel M.

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