Cindy Sheehan At SOA

Today our Journey took us to Ft. Benning, Ga, where the cancer of the School of Americas (WINSEC) is housed. I have written on torture before and I believe that BushCo’s policy of imprisoning people without their basic due process and torturing them is one of the grossest breeches of international and American law and one of the overriding reasons that they should be impeached.

The School of Torture has graduated many egregious violators of human rights like Panamanian drug lord, U.S. CIA employee, and Bush family friend (until he became an enemy), Manuel Noriega. If there is one issue that should unite Americans it should be against torture. Incredibly, we still have neighbors in our communities who believe that torture is correct, humane and valuable. However, to say torture is “wrong” is like saying the sky is blue. Torture is inherently wrong. Torture is pure evil. Torture is an abomination. Torture is disordered and demented. Torture is sick, sick, sick!

Most significantly the people who are being tortured in such prison camps as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib were mostly sold to the US Army by bounty hunters and the Northern Alliance. Criminal charges against the prisoners are as rare as the truth in the Bush Regime. Most reasonable people would agree that information gleaned from such awfully brutal means (water-boarding, stress positions, extreme noise and temperatures, sodomy and other sexual humiliation, electrodes on genitalia, etc) is never reliable. I can’t even fathom the sick, sadistic minds of the Bush Regime who not only have authorized and institutionalized this behavior but also refuse to end it and close the camps that have undermined any moral authority the US may have had.

Torture not only dehumanizes the tortured, but the torturer. It hurts my heart deeply to think of our young soldiers carrying out such ruthless acts on other humans who for the most part were in the wrong place at the wrong time and do not know where Osama bin Laden is hiding. Torture only compromises our soldiers’ lives in the field as the US cannot credibly claim any kind of moral high ground if one of our soldiers is tragically captured. The abomination of Abu Ghraib is one of the reasons that the insurgency began on the day Casey was killed in Sadr City, Baghdad. I personally know three men who were illegally and wrongly imprisoned in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib who can testify to the fact that, yes, America does torture and does so with extreme callous and cold-hearted cruelty.

The Geneva Conventions are clear on prohibiting the use of torture and the 8th Amendment to our own Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. When torture is official policy, where will it end? When George can pick and choose who receives the centuries old right to habeas corpus and who doesn’t, where will it end? Will it end with the “terrorists” in Guantanamo or will it be used here in the USA against those who stand up against tyranny and struggle for our Constitution, freedoms, peace and human rights?

Torture has tarnished the soul of our nation and Congress has done little to restrain BushCo’s Torquemadas and even when a bill is passed restricting the use of torture, George adds a signing statement saying that he is above the law. BushCo is no better than a crime cabal and they must be Constitutionally controlled.

Apparently impeachment is the only remedy for torture and will go a long way to elevating our country’s standing in the international community and to healing our broken nation. Impeachment is not an optional menu item that can be set on a table but a Constitutionally mandated requirement (See section II, Article IV).

Put it back on the table, Ms. Pelosi. We have over a million signatures on petitions demanding that Congress end the misery of our nation and world by impeaching George Bush and Dick Cheney.

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11 Responses to “Cindy Sheehan At SOA”

  1. Marian Cruz Says:

    I was at the School of the Americas with a group of friends and was moved to tears as I heard the names of those killed as a result of the School’s activities.

    I commend you on all you do to change the course of our country. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  2. RickB Says:

    Quite the contrary Marian, Thank you. For going there and being in the vigil for those murdered souls. My contribution is small compared to that. We shall overcome and close that place and begin to end the idea torture is an acceptable tool of power. Thanks for dropping by Marian, it’s good for the heart to hear from like minded people.
    I’ve just got the latest email bulletin so they’ll be some more posts in time.

  3. Gaby W. Says:

    Needless to say: no matter how much we all wish that our Armed Forces are NOT being transformed into torturers or into people , who are soo convinced to get “the job done”( without asking, what type of “job” it really is)– we know that the U.S. Congress will never be united enough to demand the impeachment of either George W. or Dick C. , no matter how many good reasons exist for such an action!
    It is admirable that Cindy Sheehan shows her outrage, and many of us agree with her!, — but I see no hope that the U.S. Congress will act appropriately. Ms. Pelosi, Senator Reid –how do you really plan to react? How will you convince enough Congresspeople to step forward and act appropriately?

  4. RickB Says:

    Hi Gaby, I think Cindy has realised that it is no longer a matter of convincing, it is time to use naked political power to force the people’s will on the political class. So she is trying to threaten Pelosi’s majority, others need to do the same, stand against any politician of any party who is not signed up on the record with impeachment and withdrawal. The endless debates and posturing are to keep people ‘hoping’ which keeps them from acting, a lot of politics is population management, to whose benefit this management is done for is the question that should be asked. When it is no longer the people’s common good, the politician’s need to be forced to act according to democratic will. If they won’t they should be removed.

  5. Ann Palm Says:

    I am in full support of Cindy sheehan and all she has done to get her voice out there on behalf of her son who was killed in Iraq. I too have particiapated in the March at Fort Bennings in GA and feel the atroticies of the killings in Latin America and our forgien countries must be ended. I send my blessings to Cindy and her courage to make her voice heard. I saw her at CTA in Milwaukee and participated in the demontration during CTA in Milwaukee and support her work and courage. Yes Mr. Bush must be brought to task as to reasons for continuing the war and we as a nation must speak up and make our voices hear.
    Ann Palm

  6. Angel Says:

    Animo Cindy !!

    PAZ y BIEN

    I thought tha Cindy was out just having a well deserved rest.I am happy to learn that she and so many many others the like are tireless “workers for peace”. God bless you ! Already you all are blessed because you are rich,plentyfull of compassion and love for truth,justice and peace !!
    Angel from Spain

  7. RickB Says:

    Way to go Ann!
    and Angel, yeah she had a break, was exhausted I think but evil didn’t rest so neither could she. Pelosi, you had your chance, Vote Sheehan!

  8. Dan von Bose Says:

    I wasn’t sure what Cindy was doing leaving Crawford, but now I know! She’s into one of the most horrendously festering sores in the body politic of this country, indeed of this entire world! May she help to manifest healing energy at Fort Benning!
    Are we as humans at a point where we can transcend past actions, wrongs done against our own kind in the name of an authoritarian God, and against all nature. Such self destructive actions would surely mean that our time upon this bleak sphere is near an end. I sincerely hope this is not so, that we can break these shackles to make a new world!

  9. RickB Says:

    Make sure you support her election campaign against the pro-war anti-impeachment Pelosi. Go Cindy!

  10. Tante Laeh Says:

    I have worked my whole life to get women into positions of power and now over an impeachment that cannot be won due to lack of votes Cindy Sheehan wants to unseat Nancy Pelosi.
    I’ve been 30 years in the peace movement and would not want to strip the victory of a woman a Speaker of the House for an impossible wish.
    Leave California. Establish citizenship elsewhere and run for office if you think it’ll give you power. You as an outsider have more power than a person in congress. Your voice is stronger as it is. But, if you continue to go after Pelosi you will lose becoming like so many before you a has been worker for peace.
    Continue taking your positions to the public. Appear on TV but don’t erode what gains we women have made to make your point.
    Peace can only be achieved by peace.

    Tante Laeh

  11. RickB Says:

    Ethics are more important than gender, Pelosi man or woman will not stand up to war criminals, so let’s find people who will. Forget what the dems say, look at their actions. Your party politics are blinding you to what needs to be done. If America does not stop and punish its war criminals it will rightly be regarded as Nazi Germany was, and sooner or later will pay a price. And the citizen’s of earth will not mourn that defeat.

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