Cheney Has Bent Bush To His Will On Iran

Previously we had the information Bush was undecided on Iran, the State dept. and most others favouring negotiation,while Cheney was busy trying to destroy that option and channel Bush into his route of military action. This report in the Guardian says Cheney has succeeded in manouvering Bush to his approach:-

Last year Mr Bush came down in favour of Ms Rice, who along with Britain, France and Germany has been putting a diplomatic squeeze on Iran. But at a meeting of the White House, Pentagon and state department last month, Mr Cheney expressed frustration at the lack of progress and Mr Bush sided with him. “The balance has tilted. There is cause for concern,” the source said this week.

Nick Burns, the undersecretary of state responsible for Iran and a career diplomat who is one of the main advocates of negotiation, told the meeting it was likely that diplomatic manoeuvring would still be continuing in January 2009. That assessment went down badly with Mr Cheney and Mr Bush.

The Washington source said Mr Bush and Mr Cheney did not trust any potential successors in the White House, Republican or Democratic, to deal with Iran decisively. They are also reluctant for Israel to carry out any strikes because the US would get the blame in the region anyway.

“The red line is not in Iran. The red line is in Israel. If Israel is adamant it will attack, the US will have to take decisive action,” Mr Cronin said. “The choices are: tell Israel no, let Israel do the job, or do the job yourself.” Almost half of the US’s 277 warships are stationed close to Iran,

So there you have it, Cheney and Israel driving the attack agenda which is now their preferred option. MOA reiterates Cheney’s role in supplying Iran with nuclear components via Halliburton in the 90’s, so once again all roads lead to Dick. How in supposed democracies can one evil man wield so much power over 4 decades? Oh right Republican voters, pig shit ignorant and soaked in blood. This is yet another reason to impeach Cheney, not just his past crimes but the ones he has been planning on committing. Time is running out.

11 Responses to “Cheney Has Bent Bush To His Will On Iran”

  1. criminyjicket Says:

    iraq is sort of close to iran to isn’t it? Might that be why so many of our warships are there?

    It boggles the mind that with all that’s happening in pakistan that anyone wit ha brain would be focusing on Iran. Guess George and dick have no brain

  2. RickB Says:

    The density of naval forces are out of all proportion to any force support roll Iraq forces may need.
    Given that they helped cause the situation in Pakistan by backing a military dictator who seized power, they may well hope no one pays it any attention.

  3. libhomo Says:

    It isn’t just Cheney and Israel behind this. Halliburton and other corporate interests are playing a big role too.

  4. criminyjicket Says:

    actually we forced him into asisting us, and he is the one they are trying to kill. Our hands are dirtier there than they should be.
    three carrier groups isn’t that huge a show of force when you consider we have 150,000 troops on the ground, and the area is central to a lot of the problems we have going on. I believe cruise missiles can reach afghanistan from there.

    it is disturbing though. It would be so dumb, and thats the track record of both bush and ahmadinejad.

  5. RickB Says:

    Yes Pervy was given an ultimatum reportedly, now he is an ally to the US. His awful regime is secured on US guarantees for the moment. Much like the cold war regimes are supported for reasons of realpolitik, capital and empire regardless of their oppressive traits. Ironically creating terrorism. But that doesn’t really matter to an elite who will never suffer violence despite the violence they live by. ‘Collateral damage’ – our suffering is a deductible to our great and good.
    Yes cruise missiles have that range, the density of forces has been remarked upon as dangerously concentrated, possibly a deliberate attempt to force an incident. The UK sailors were an example, sensibly they downed arms rather than die and give war pimps the excuse for an attack.The carriers groups also are performing exercises, if they were needed for Iraq they wouldn’t have time for exercises which are generally perceived as sabre rattling towards Iran. Like Brownian motion, sooner or later collisions/incidents occur, it worked when hawks in the US govt. needed a casus belli for Vietnam.

  6. RickB Says:

    Libhomo- Yeah, MOA today has Cheney’s history selling Iran the very equipment that it is using now. The govt & corps are one and the same, (classical fascism in Mussolini’s terms) I sometimes forget to even mention both, they are a singular crime mob to me.

  7. criminyjicket Says:

    well, the maddox was attacked in international waters. The escalation thereafter was forced.

    i think the only thing we really need to know is Pakistan is one bullet away from having a radical muslim in control of their nuclear arsenal. Iran is still years away. I know where I want our attention to be, but they never listen to me.

  8. RickB Says:

    Rachel Maddow had a good comment about Pakistan today, one angle is Pervy uses that idea to ensure his support, but the large civil society is ignored in this. ie there is more than Pervy or the fundies, there is a big civil society who want a democratic non religious govt. but they are ignored. Also Imran Khan has a worthwhile comment
    Y’know they should be listening to all of us, in a democracy, well one can dream!

  9. criminyjicket Says:

    yes, they have a huge silent minority…not even always that silent, but for the last few years they have been thoroughly cowed, both by perv and the radicals…i’ll check that link

  10. criminyjicket Says:

    wow…great link…very informative article.

  11. RickB Says:

    Glad you enjoyed it criminy.

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