Torture Airways- Invisible To ACPO Investigations

Via Lenin’s Tomb. (skillfully evading the original responsibility for linking to… The Daily Mail)

Have you seen this plane?

“ACPO have admitted to me in a private letter that their investigation amounted to little more than a cursory review of reports on the issue – which they issued, 18 months after I requested it, to coincide with the Council of Europe’s report,”

Because apparently it possesses stealth capabilities beyond modern science and more amazing still, can make entire people and black ops programs that embarrass the govt. disappear with the swish of a friendly policeman’s truncheon wand.

The row over CIA ‘torture flights’ using British airports has deepened following fresh evidence that a plane repeatedly linked to the controversial programme landed in the UK just days ago.

The plane was logged arriving at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk last weekend, and watching aviation experts said the aircraft, piloted by crew clad in desert fatigues, was immediately surrounded on the runway by armed American security forces.

Its registration number, clearly visible on the fuselage, identifies it as a plane which the European Parliament says has been involved in ‘ghost flights’ to smuggle terrorist suspects to shadowy interrogation centres abroad.

Records show the plane is owned by Blackwater USA, a CIA contractor described as “the most secretive and powerful mercenary army on the planet”. An eyewitness, who previously worked as an RAF electronic warfare expert, said that as the plane – a CASA-212 Aviocar – taxied to a stop on the runway it was met by a US military Humvee.

The vehicle contained four US security policemen armed with M16 assault rifles, who accompanied the camouflaged crew to the airport terminal.

The man, who did not want to be identified, added: “I thought it was curious that they would give a civilian plane an armed guard.”

Another spotter, who took the picture of it landing, recorded it touching down at 4.36pm on Saturday.

Now the best part is of course in the last few graphs:

Shami Chakrabati, the director of Liberty, alleges that 210 CIA flights carrying terrorist suspects for possible torture have entered Britain since 2001.

She called for a full investigation, claiming the ACPO probe was unsatisfactory.
“ACPO have admitted to me in a private letter that their investigation amounted to little more than a cursory review of reports on the issue – which they issued, 18 months after I requested it, to coincide with the Council of Europe’s report,” she said.
“Maybe now The Mail on Sunday has produced this photographic evidence they will conduct a proper inquiry.”

An ACPO spokeswoman said: “These planes could be empty – there is no evidence that prisoners were on board.” She denied Liberty’s claim that their inquiry had been limited and driven by spin.

“There has been a full examination to see if there was any evidence to suggest criminal activity, and there wasn’t,” she said.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: “We have been through the records, and there is no evidence of detainees being rendered through the UK since 1997.” No one at RAF Mildenhall was available for comment.

Please note ‘there is no evidence’ which simply means what it means, it does not mean there were no flights or that the govt. were unaware, it just means there was not a big red post-it note on the FO’s desk saying -Yes, We Let Torture Flights In The UK- The body of the piece is old news about blackwater retards but is probably news to Mail readers and a bit shocking the Mail are printing ‘US Bashing’ articles, anyways… This adds some more meat to the Marty/ACPO/Govt. clusterfuck making it even clearer there was no proper investigation and its conclusions were released purely to refute the damning findings of the European Parliament. The Tomb post also mentions an interview with a former US torturer who is floggin’ his book, I read it last night after hearing him interviewed on Friday’s Rachel Maddow show, he is repentant and does reveal:

Disturbingly for the British military, which has distanced itself from the worst excesses of Abu Ghraib, Mr Lagouranis says the Americans learnt much of their uncompromising approach from British interrogators.

“We heard about interrogators in Northern Ireland who were successful. Some of our interrogators went on the British interrogation course, which was tough. People wanted to emulate that, but we went too far.”

Which does rather show the obvious situation of the MOD doing one thing while swearing our brave boys are beyond reproach which is the reality of the last, oh well, forever.

3 Responses to “Torture Airways- Invisible To ACPO Investigations”

  1. Island Life: The Electric Copper-ade Tazer Test & The Consequences Of Disobedience « Ten Percent Says:

    […] eye than the one they used to ‘investigate’ CIA torture flights. Those silly billys missed them all, even after an extensive European investigation and CIA officers admitting to them, they backed the […]

  2. Bordering On The Ridiculous « Ten Percent Says:

    […] board being flow to torture chambers abroad? Because y’know ACPO’s record on this…not so good. “ACPO have admitted to me in a private letter that their investigation amounted to little more […]

  3. Meet NETCU « Ten Percent Says:

    […] technocrat-ese means in its real world application. The Association of Chief Police Officers (who failed to properly investigate torture rendition flights before giving the government a free pass timed to distract from the damning EU report) help deal […]

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