Bring It On

Which part of

You’re Not Fucking Welcome

does the retard King not understand? This bitch be trippin’!


Will they never learn? War criminals are not wanted here. George Bush will visit Britain Between June 9 and 16. The last time he was here, in November 2003, it provoked one of the biggest mid-week demonstrations in British history, with up to 300,000 on London’s streets. Since then his war of terror has led to the loss of over a million lives and spread from Iraq and Afghanistan to Pakistan, Somalia and Kenya, with ever intensifying threats suggesting Iran is next.

When Condoleezza Rice visited in March 2006, it turned into a public relations disaster, with large demonstrations in Liverpool, Blackburn and everywhere else she went. Only last week the fanatical warmonger John Bolton, formerly Bush’s ambassador to the United Nations and vociferous advocate of an immediate attack on Iran, cancelled a planned visit to Bristol for fear of the anti-war demonstration that was planned to meet him.

We’re sure that everyone who has opposed George Bush’s war policies and the slavish support he has received from the British government will want to make their voice heard when this warmonger-in-chief visits the UK. Stop the War will of course aim to organise the largest possible protest against George Bush’s visit. More details to follow shortly.

4 Responses to “Bring It On”

  1. ralfast Says:

    Maybe you need one of these:

  2. ralfast Says:

    Or maybe one of these:

  3. naj Says:

    In March 2003, 250,000 of us flooded the streets of Montreal (in -20 C temperatures) to protest against the upcoming war against Iraq … we succeeded in as far as Canada refrained to be part of it. 250,000 of us = 25% of the urban population of this city. (We couldn’t do the same for Afghanistan, because we were poorly numbered. )

    25% of the British population had to stop Blair … that’s like, 18 million people?

    Is Blair expelled or tried in the Hauge yet?

  4. RickB Says:

    Now if only Bush were doing the Running Away!

    Impressive! Well London is around 8 million people and the march there was 1 million plus, damn so you beat us even on a regional score!
    No he is not, it is another reason I am ashamed of my country. But just what the fuck does the govt. think it is doing playing host to this vermin. I think all Police leave just got cancelled. The most unpopular man on planet earth and we are letting him in the country, jeebus!!!!!!

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