Cheney PR Offensive For Attack On Iran Launching In September

From Juan Cole’s blog

Barnett Rubin relays a message from a well-connected friend in Washington on the Cheney Administration’s plans to roll out a military confrontation with Iran in September. He writes at the Global Affairs blog:

” My friend had spoken to someone in one of the leading neo-conservative institutions. He summarized what he was told this way:

They [the source’s institution] have “instructions” (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to roll out a campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day; it will be coordinated with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Fox, and the usual suspects. It will be heavy sustained assault on the airwaves, designed to knock public sentiment into a position from which a war can be maintained. Evidently they don’t think they’ll ever get majority support for this–they want something like 35-40 percent support, which in their book is “plenty.”

Of course I cannot verify this report. But besides all the other pieces of information about this circulating, I heard last week from a former U.S. government contractor. According to this friend, someone in the Department of Defense called, asking for cost estimates for a model for reconstruction in Asia. The former contractor finally concluded that the model was intended for Iran.”

Earlier, McClatchy reported on Aug. 9 that Cheney has been urging bombing of Iranian trails to Iraq. This position struck me as eerily reminiscent of Nixon-Kissinger’s treatment of Cambodia (which is what really caused the Khmer Rouge horrors, not, as Bush said the other day, US withdrawal from Vietnam; we dropped enormous amounts of ordnance on that country and severely disrupted it).

It perhaps has already begun, remember the Iranians arrested and blindfolded in Baghdad who were actually engineers & energy ministry officials there as guests of the Iraq govt.

prior to the Iranians’ arrest, U.S. soldiers were aware that the hotel where the Iranians were staying had proof that the Iranians were in Iraq at the invitation of Iraq’s Energy Ministry. 

They were sat eating dinner at their hotel when US forces with corporate media camera crews busted in and arrested them, they were released the next day footage of Iranians being arrested in Iraq achieved. The lie had been shouted, the retraction the next day whispered and Iran insulted and provoked and slow of thinking domestic viewers have -Iran are baddies- imprinted on their lizard brains. Mission accomplished.

9 Responses to “Cheney PR Offensive For Attack On Iran Launching In September”

  1. libhomo Says:

    This isn’t terribly surprising, but it is important to be prepared. I remember that they started pushing their last war during the month of September. Andy Card later said something to the effect that you don’t do a product launch in August.

  2. frolix22 Says:

    There is a lot of stuff on this at today, with the word being that September 11 (surprise surprise) will be the start of the major propaganda offensive to prepare the way for war.

    Although I think Cheney and his cronies would love to strike Iran I still hold out hope that popular unrest and opposition will restrain the maniacs from doing it.

    If the pr offensive obviously kicks in from September 11 then there are very, very dangerous times ahead. I honestly think it is going to come down to how the US public reacts. Will the people of the United States stop the lunatics in the White House?

  3. korova Says:

    If I may interject, this is the reason why it is so important that stories like this get their proper airing:

    The IAEA says it isn’t so. They claim that the US’ cliams are baseless. Stuff like this needs to be read in order to counter the propaganda.

  4. korova Says:

    Just to claify, the IAEA do not claim that the US’ reservations are baseless, but they do show that the threat is not as great as some would have us believe.

  5. RickB Says:

    Libhomo-yep I remember that quote too, at least their marketing schedule is predictable.
    Yes Frolix, so hopefully if we can make our poodle back out that might influence US domestic opinion (Ok that’s probably too hopeful, we should try with Brown even though instinct says he is more of the same).

    Interject away, that’s exactly the right idea for every piece of shit they send our way we shout back the truth, y’know bring a gun to a knife fight etc.
    “Do not go gentle into that good night”

  6. Rafael Says:

    The Empire needs wars like Cheney needs the blood of innocents.

  7. RickB Says:

    Time to get the crucifixes and stakes ready and get Buffy & Blade on their ass!

  8. libhomo Says:

    An air strike on Iran will further weaken the Bush regime’s imperial hold on Iraq. I wonder if there are any realists left in that cabal who realize this.

  9. RickB Says:

    Yeah, it would be pouring fuel on the flames, they might well be so bunkered in to their bubble they are blind to the disaster awaiting such action. Deranged or just plain evil they have to be stopped.

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