War-Pimp Watch: Musical Carriers In The Gulf

So…according to this new statement form the US Navy the Enterprise carrier group is deployed in the gulf but the Stennis and Nimitz groups have fallen back, hanging out in the Pacific. So the statement makes it look like the situation is stabilising, most other reports go with this as a scaling down of forces with the two groups returning home, but they mostly neglect to mention this-

Beginning Monday, the Stennis will participate in a weeklong exercise called Valiant Shield, the Navy told The Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Last summer’s war games involved more than 22,000 U.S. military personnel, 30 ships and 280 aircraft. The Navy said the numbers next week will be about the same. Three carrier strike groups — the Stennis, USS Nimitz and USS Kitty Hawk — will again be the focal point.

Before they reportedly head home-

The U.S. Navy, scaling back its force in the Gulf, said on Wednesday it had sent a fresh aircraft carrier to the region to replace two carriers deployed there since early this year amid tension with Iran. It said the USS Enterprise Carrier Strike Group, which includes accompanying destroyers and a submarine, was in the Red Sea and heading for the Gulf and the wider Gulf region.

Lt. John Gay of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain said the two other carrier groups, headed by the USS Stennis and the USS Nimitz, had moved out of the area in July and were now in the Pacific. The United States has been flexing its muscles in a standoff with Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program. Washington also accuses Iran of meddling in Iraq and of fostering militant Islamic groups throughout the Middle East.

But the two old foes have begun tentative talks aimed initially at easing the conflict in Iraq and last month set up a security committee between officials of the three countries. The Navy said in a statement that the Enterprise would conduct security operations and provide air support for ground forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. Gay said the Stennis and Nimitz were unlikely to return to the Gulf although he could not rule it out. “World events are going to drive that — if there is a significant change in the security and stability in the region we would re-evaluate the number of ships we have in the area,” he said.

Then come Autumn apparently-

the ship group [Enterprise] will be the lone carrier for at least three months, until USS Harry S. Truman is deployed in the fall.

8 Responses to “War-Pimp Watch: Musical Carriers In The Gulf”

  1. Rafael Says:

    Well, I think that in case of attack, the U.S. carrier battle groups would move out of the Gulf, seeing as they are vulnerable to attack there and have no sea room (no space to maneuver).

    When you see a bunch of carriers line up just north of Diego Garcia, then you know somethings up.

  2. RickB Says:

    I shall watch for that, though I imagine reports of manoeuvers just prior to an attack will not be forthcoming, but I get the impression the appetite for Bushcos wars is cooling.

  3. Rafael Says:

    On the contrary, watch for a lot of announcements about exercises, it a way to lull your opposition senses. The gear up for the first exercise, then nothing, then the second, and the third and the fourth, until the are run ragged and let down their guard, and because the U.S. armed forces believe in “training like they fight” nobody would really noticed that those are real bombs and missiles (life fire training is rare, but useful) and that, wait a minute, our radars are jammed, as usual and those fighters are not changing course…

    And thats only Chapter 2….

  4. RickB Says:

    I have a feeling I don’t want to hear about Chapter 3, you’re scaring me Rafael!

  5. Rafael Says:

    The problem with War is not that it is hard, on the contrary, it is just to easy….

  6. RickB Says:

    Yes, it is set up all wrong until it is a huge inconvenience for the rulers, it won’t stop. And less gullible populations would help too with less idolising of the military.

  7. NAVYWIFE Says:

    I just want to say that yall are talking crazy!! My husband is currently on the USS Nimizt, and to honest, I would really like him to make it home next month, just as scheduled, to be with me and his new baby hes never met (born on 04April, 2days after they left on their 6 month deployment), so please dont curse them!! Thanks.

  8. RickB Says:

    Well I hope he does come home on schedule, it’ll mean less mischief the Bush admin can get them into. Congrats on the baby, I hope your husband is tempted to stay at home.

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