7 Factoids Thingy

Ok, so Rafael at Ruins of Empire tagged me, so as it’s the holidays I shall spread the chain infection further, hahahaha!

These are the rules:
1) Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself.
3) Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

And so, bring the triviality-

  1. Most people have feet of slightly differing size, in my case my left foot is slightly bigger. I mean, nothing obvious, I’m not a freak with one huge foot like a canoe and one tiny ballet dancers appendage, being constantly chased out of places by mobs of afeared villagers with pitch forks and torches. That has almost never happened…recently.
  2. Water is my favourite drink.
  3. I can understand those old ladies who live in ramshackle houses with 70 cats, if I have to live that long I am penciling in that future.
  4. I go through phases of what cereal I like, right now- Weetabix (potentially not interesting fact: the family that owned Weetabix -before selling it for half a billion or so- used to own a house up the coast from here, they would sometimes arrive by helicopter, clearly there is money in them thar breakfast cereals).
  5. I am NOT a morning person. “I need my sleep. I make no bones about it. I need eight hours a day, and at least ten at night.” – Bill Hicks.
  6. When I made a piece on 8mm film I used every kind of 8mm stock available on planet earth, the biggest surprise was 6 years out of its use-by-date Russian reversal b/w stock, came out lovely. Take that Kodak.
  7.  I love the words- monkey, chipmunk & marzipan.

Yea verily behold the condemned-

4 Responses to “7 Factoids Thingy”

  1. Rafael Says:

    Not much a fan of cereal. But then again I am not much of a fan of mornings either. Breakfast? I can have that any time of the day!

  2. RickB Says:

    Ah, I didn’t say I ate it in the mornings, yes mornings are evil. Sunrise is best seen at the end of a long night.

  3. naj Says:

    catching up with email (while suffering a cold 😦 )
    the tagging thing doesn’t go well with my blog, but i tell you 7 facts:

    1- I cook quite well
    2- I don’t like sleeping and I am a morning person
    3- I cannot run, have asthma; but can dance
    4- People mistake me for a socialite, but I HATE socializing with more than one person at a time
    5- I despise my supervisor; he is a TOTAL fool.
    6- my favorite colors are black and red
    7- I never cry when I am angry

  4. RickB Says:

    Aha, Princess Naj, yes I try to avoid the chain meme thing but twas the holidays so…
    1- me too but my own weird food.
    2- I’m the opposite, we’d make a good sentry squad though I suppose.
    3- Get down baby!
    4- Glamorous but deep, splendid.
    5- Yeah, he’s horrible. Stupid hair too.
    6- Classy, bold.
    7- What if you are angry about being teargassed?

    I hope all your tears are tears of joy.

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